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What Just Happened? A Panel on the 2024 Elections
The Political Science Program and the Department of Behavioral Sciences at York College, CUNY Present What Just Happened? A Panel on the 2024 Elections An Online Panel Discussion Featuring Faculty from City College, Fordham University, Montclair State University, York College.
Political Science (BA)
2017-2018 Political Science BA Degree Map
Psychology (BA)
2017-2018 Psychology BA Degree Map
Sociology (BA)
2017-2018 Sociology BA Degree Map
New Criminal Justice Minor
The only program of its kind at a four-year CUNY college in Queens.
A Culture of Cooperation
Human Resource Club/SHRM will celebrate "A Culture of Cooperation" and honored to welcome distinguished guest speaker Rose Scaringella-Cappelli Training and Development Specialist Department of Human Resources Weill Cornell Medicine.
State Senator Robert Jackson Visiting York
“We all need to be involved in the fight for our futures”
Inch'allah Dimanche
An Algerian woman struggles to find herself when joining her husband in France
A Korean family seeks the American Dream in Arkansas with mixed results
What will People Say?
Caught between cultures, a Pakistani teen is sent to Pakistan when her family believes she has become too Norwegian
James' Journey to Jerusalem
An African pilgrim is unwittingly drawn into labor migration schemes in Israel
York College Mourns the Loss of Professor Emerita Debra Swoboda
With deep sadness, the Department of Behavioral Sciences announces that our colleague, Debra Swoboda, professor emerita, passed away on January 9 after a brief illness.
Constitution Day plasma image
Constitution Day plasma image fall 2017
Healthy Lifestyle Series: Diabetes Recognition and Prevention
Department of Behavioral Sciences
The disciplines of Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology combine academic excellence with a strong focus on experiential learning. Students have the opportunity for community-based internships as well as independent research and study with individual faculty members.
Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Daniels to appear in Radio Shows
Dr. Ron Daniels, Distinguished Lecturer in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, Political Science Discipline at York College, will be guest hosting for Mark Thompson on, Make It Plain, SIRIUX/XM Left 127, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM and on WWRL Morning Show for Mark Riley, September 6 and 7, 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM.
Pre-Medical Meeting
Osteopathic Medicine A representative from NY College of Osteopathic Medicine will be at York to answer your questions about this alternative to allopathic medical education.
The Road to the White House: 2024
An Online Panel Discussion presented by The Political Science Program and the Department of Behavioral Sciences at York College/CUNY.
Faculty Lecture Series
Discussion of two topics
State Senator John Liu - Postponed
Political Science and Sociology Programs Present: Senator John Liu is coming to York College to discuss current issues in the state legislature including his recently co-sponsored bill proposing to tax Columbia and NYU to help fund CUNY.
Die Schweizermacher
Swiss civil servants bumble trying to determine who is Swiss enough for naturalization
Political Science (BA)
2013-2014 Political Science Four Year Plan
Psychology (BA)
2013-2014 Psychology Four Year Plan
Political Science (BA)
2014-2015 Political Science (BA) Four-Year Plan
Psychology (BA)
2014-2015 Psychology (BA) Four-Year Plan