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Research Methods Online (SAGE)

The library now subscribes to Research Methods Online (SAGE). Please click to get more information.

You may access the database at on the library's Databases and More page.

About Research Methods Online

Research Methods Online is a tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since Research Methods Online focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.

Research Methods Online provides links to SAGE’s renowned books (e.g. entire Little Green Book and entire Little Blue Book, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks), journal and reference content. It also contains videos such as "When should I choose a mixed methods approach?" by John W. Creswell, and "How should one go about designing a qualitative research project?" by Gretchen B. Rossman and Catherine Marshall.