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Collection Development

The Library's guidelines for acquiring materials.

Collection Development Policy

The mission of York College Library is to support the education and professional development of York's faculty, staff, and students.  The Library is committed to developing a collection that supports the college curriculum.  Our objective is to provide students, faculty, and staff with a variety of print and electronic resources.

Library faculty serve as liaisons to academic departments at the College.  Each library faculty member reviews and recommends titles for purchase within their area of expertise.

College faculty are encouraged to participate in the Library’s selection process by recommending materials in their field of specialization.  The College Senate’s Library Committee functions to support these programs.  Requests from members of the York community are welcomed and given full consideration.  Suggestions for purchase can be made by contacting the Collection Development librarian, or via an online form.

Overall, the Library aspires to develop a collection to satisfy general information needs, curricular and program requirements, in order to ensure that the collection is balanced, current, and comprehensive.

Ordinarily, the Library does not purchase classroom-assigned textbooks.  Faculty are encouraged to request desk copies from publishers and place them on Reserve in the Library for student use.

Duplicate copies are not customarily purchased.  However, duplicates may be added to the collection if warranted by heavy usage.  This decision is made by the Collection Development Librarian in consultation with the Chief Librarian.


York College Library only accepts gifts with no conditions or strings attached.  Prospective donors are advised that material is accepted without commitment to final disposition.  The Library reserves the right to add books to the collection or possibly dispose of them.  Final determination is with the Chief Librarian.

April 2007