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Information Technology

Other CUNYfirst Forms

There are other forms listed on the security CUNY central web site. The forms detailed here are among the more common ones we process on a regular basis. The other forms are for more specific and or specialized use. Here is the link to the main site for all the forms:

As with most of the forms they generall follow a similar workflow as the ones we have highlighted on this page. Your signiture, your department head signiture and then various other business owner signitures are required in order to properly fill in the form. The understanding of what roles to add or remove is strictly a function of understanding the workflow in your own area in additions to roles and responsibilities and how CUNYfirst is used to accomplish these. Department heads should know what roles are required but they can also consult the subject matter experts for clarity as this information is not second nature due to the segregation maintained by the CUNYfirst system. Subject matter expert exist for each pillar within CUNYfirst and are generally those responsible for signing off on the forms.  If you have any questions and are not able to get answers please use YConnect Self Service or call our Helpdesk at Ext. 5311 and we will route and get you the help needed to resolve your issue.