Student Resources
Teacher Education Program Student Resources
2019-2020 Yearbook
Yearbook 2020 Teachers Club
Advising Assignment
Email the applicable advisor to set up an advisement session to ensure that you are aware of all programmatic requirements to ensure timely graduation.
Certification / Licensure
Certification Exams / Recommendation for State Licensure
Clinical Practice Handbook
Clinical Practice Handbook: The purpose of this handbook is to orient teacher candidates, cooperating teachers, principals/school leadership, and college supervisors to the student teaching practices and policies of the Department of Teacher Education at York College, the City University of New York.
Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE)
EDUC courses and CTLE hours
Fingerprinting FAQS for Undocumented Students
This FAQ features new guidance as of September 2022 from New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI).
NYC Men Teach
In a city where the majority of the 8.4 million inhabitants are people of color, it is important that such diversity is reflected in New York City classrooms.
Program Codes for Certification
When applying for certification you will be required to input the applicable code(s) Listed on this page.
Safety Nets
Safety net skills test
Setting up your TEACH account and Applying for Teacher Certification
This is where you will apply for your teaching certification.
SHAPE America National Convention
Pre-service teaches traveled to Cleveland
Submission of Application for Admission to an Education Program - Spring 2022
The period to submit an application for admission to a Teacher Education program is April 1st to April 14th, 2022
TEACH Grant Program
The TEACH Grant Program is a federal program that provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to undergraduate students preparing to be teachers in a high-need field.
When to Test?
Teacher Education Test after:
Winter Intercession Advisement
We will be providing "drop-in" advisement during the winter intercession. See the schedule below.