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Office of Student Academic Services


All the information you need about York College readmission. Check out the deadlines and process.

Please note: all decisions/results from the department will be sent through the OSAS Secure Portal emailing services. The email used to register for the Secure Portal System will be the email you receive the decision notification to.

The LAST Petition Submission Deadline for Spring 2025 Readmission was: January 13, 2025

All incoming Readmission petitions will be for Fall 2025. The next deadline is: February 10, 2025

General Readmission Information

  • If your GPA is above a 2.0, please file a Readmission Application through the Registrar's Office
  • If you wish to petition Readmission at York College, and your GPA is below a 2.0, you must complete a series of steps required by the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS).
  • Please follow the detailed instructions below. It is important that you complete the entire petition as well as submit all required documentation to the OSAS Secure Portal.
  • Your petition will not be reviewed if any steps are omitted when submitted to the secure portal.
  • NO petitions will be accepted via email. All petitions must be submitted to the secure portal in order to be reviewed by the CAPS Committee


  1. If you are petitioning for Readmission, please download and fill out the Readmission petition completely.
  2. All students seeking Readmission must submit a typed personal statement. The typed personal statement explains the extenuating cicumstance/reasoning for your past academic difficulties, plans for improved academic performance if readmitted, and any activities you have engaged in since last attended, that would indicate a probability for future academic success.
  3. Students also must submit documentation to support their claim in their personal statements.
    (Documentation may include but is not limited to; medical documents, marriage licenses, death certificates, birth certificates, court documents, police reports, etc.)
  4. Access the OSAS Secure Portal. Upload your completed Readmission petition, typed personal statement, photo ID, and any supporting documentation onto the secure portal
  5. Please do not send any petitions, personal statements, or supporting documentation to the department email. (It will not be reviewed)

NO petitions will be accepted via email. All petitions must be submitted to the  OSAS Secure Portal in order to be reviewed by the CAPS Committee.

Please note; all decisions/results from the department will be sent through the OSAS Secure Portal emailing services. The email used to register for the Secure Portal System will be the email you receive the decision notification to.

To submit documents onto the OSAS Secure Portal, please use your York College Network if you are a current student or you can Register with your personal email if you are not enrolled at this time.

Should you require any assistance in the Readmission process please contact us at