One-Click Access to Millions of Scholarly Articles
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides instant links to full text articles as you do research on the web.
LibKeyNomad quickly connects you to full-text journal article PDFs as you browse the web. Nomad is active on many sites for researchers, including publisher pages, PubMed, Wikipedia, results in Google Scholar, and more. It identifies content that is available through York Library and connects you to the article with one click.
Nomad requires very little configuration. There are no user accounts to create, the extension does not ask for or store your institutional user credentials, and it does not run any scripts on any webpages other than specific publisher pages and select domains such as PubMed and Wikipedia.
Nomad is free to install and it is currently supported for Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi. Installation is simple -- just visit and click the icon for your browser. Your browser will then ask you to confirm. Choose "York College - City University of New York" when prompted to select your organization and you are all set!
Nomad integrates beautifully with PubMed and Wikipedia, and makes it easy to find full text PDFs on publisher websites. Try it out and see how it can simplify your own research!