Section Information Technology Header

Information Technology

Standard IT Services

Standard IT services can be requested via contact to our Call Center at Ext. 5311 while on campus or 718-262-5311 off campus. You can also request standard IT services by using our IT Service Desk Self Service Portal for all Students, Faculty and Staff only.

Standard Services

  • Technology Support
  • New Hires
  • Exits
  • Accounts Processing
  • Phone Services
  • Voice Mail
  • Software Applications
  • Computer Hardware
  • Printers
  • Fax machines
  • Copiers
  • Moves, Adds & Changes  (all technology changes must be formally requested and approved by department heads)
  • Loaners (limited, based on availability. The Media Center is an alternate resource for multi media loaners AC-4G01)
  • Events Technology Support (All events requiring audio visual equipment must be reserved from the Media Center in room AC-4G01. IT will coordinate with that department providing technology support as needed)