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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Subcontract and Subawards Information

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs establishes connection with researchers and granting agencies to support in mediating issuance of Subawards and Subcontracts awarded by an institution.

  • A subcontract or sub-award is included in a grant when a substantial part of the research project proposed implicates another institution or collaborator that cannot be paid directly.
  • A subcontractor is responsible for the project's decision-making and design, aiding in meeting the goals of the project, maintaining intellectual property as well as copyright, and may co-author an article in a professional research journal.
  • That is, subcontract arrangements are established when the PI receives funding from an agency that requires the collaboration of other institutions.
  • As such, subcontract agreements describe the terms and conditions of the research partnership between the PI and collaborating entities. Where, said terms and conditions agreed upon between the granting agency and the PI's home institution then flow down to the secondary institution via the subcontract agreement.

If a subcontract is necessary, prior to submission, please acquire approval from the collaborating institution’s authorizing official. 

Contrarily, if you are interested in a funding opportunity at another institution and will be using York College facilities, please contact the ORSP at x2061 as soon as possible. No part of the research initiative should begin until the necessary agreements are signed by the respective parties.

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