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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Human Subjects in Research

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at York College identifies all scientific research activities that involve human subjects as eligible for review under YC's principles of fairness.

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at YC defines a 'Human Subject' as a living person involved in an empirical project or research initiative, where, research personnel acquire experimental data through collaboration and/or communication with the individual, or otherwise by retrieving personally identifiable information said person via public records or private observation.

  • Human Subject research includes all research activities that involve a living person, this means, data analysis and publication of empirical results, and activities that are qualified for exemption under the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) Federal Guidelines. Additionally, said research is thusly conducted on the YC campus, sponsored by YC (in whole or in part), e.g., under the direction of YC personnel or funded through YC. Moreover, research that utilizes YC-affiliated subjects or information related to YC-affiliated subjects, is subject to evaluation by the ORSP and The Office of Diversity and Compliance before Human Subject research activities can commence. Note: if the primary investigator (PI) is conducting research in cooperation with another academic institution, York College will then require the PI to attain appropriate approval from said institution.

  • Further information and applications are available from the Office of Diversity and Compliance. For further information please contact the Office of Diversity and Compliance at x2137 or the ORSP at x2061.

ORSP Human Subjects in Research - Guidelines

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