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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Proposal Checklist

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs urges all Principal Investigators (PIs) who intend to submit a proposal to first complete the Proposal Checklist.

The ORSP Intent to Submit a Proposal Checklist should serve as a guideline.

Please be sure to contact our office early if you are planning to submit a grant proposal. Each agency is different and many situations require additional planning.

Once a funding source is identified, please use the Intent to Submit a Proposal checklist to help you with the minutiae of preparing your grant proposal.

In general, the checklist asks that PIs:

  1. Obtain and read the latest RFP/guidelines and forms from the sponsor
  2. Verify the eligibility of said PI and the institution
  3. Contact the ORSP and send the Internal Proposal Approval Checklist
  4. Determine requirements of the project: goals, required activities, involved personnel, necessary equipment, other supplies, overall budget
  5. Are you collaborating with another institution? Get the contact information from your collaborator and forward it to the ORSP. You will need the following from the other institution: an Authorizing Official Letter of Collaboration and Subrecipient Commitment Form, a Statement of work, a Budget and justification form, a Facilities statement, and a Biosketch or CV of your collaborator(s)
  6. Note, that CVs must be of the appropriate format for the proposal
  7. Obtain letters of support
  8. Are you using human subjects or animals? Do you have approval to do so?
  9. Has everyone involved in the project completed the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training? Are their certificates on file?
  10. Has the PI completed the Conflict of Interest Training? Is their certificate on file?
  11. Does the project involve an international collaboration that would require an export control review?
  12. Draft your proposal and get someone else to review it.
  13. Make sure your fonts, margins, and other formatting issues are in compliance with sponsor guidelines.
  14. Finalize budget and forms - including the Financial Disclosure Form and subcontracting forms, if needed- with the ORSP at least 5 days before the deadline.
  15. Obtain final signatory approval from the ORSP.

The Intent to Submit a Proposal Checklist

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