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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Purchasing and Payments

Purchases and payments made through the RF via an awarded grant must comply with specified rules and procedures, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is here to answer any questions regarding grant spending.

All purchases made through the Research Foundation (RF):

Must be made under RF Policy 501-D - Equipment, Supplies, Construction Contracts, which applies to all officially designated persons, Principal Investigators, and their designees, authorized to commit and expend grant funds. The Policy establishes the following guidelines:

  • The project director is responsible for obtaining the invoice from a vendor and processing payment promptly (within the grant period), preferably within 30 days of a purchase.
  • The PI Must conform to the approved award budget and sponsor requirements.
  • PIs are exempt from sales tax in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Tennessee; and, the RF is exempt from New York City Hotel Occupancy Taxes as well. Note: There is no reimbursement for sales tax.

Please keep in mind:

  • Any purchases via a grant fund must occur before the termination date of the award.
    Note: All Expenditures Must Be Submitted Within 60 Days After The Budget Period End Date!
  • YC may have a role in the approval of expenditures.
  • The use of minority, disadvantaged, women-owned, and small business vendors is encouraged AND sometimes required.
  • PIs are held liable for all orders placed by the project staff directly to vendors
  • Certain vendors have contracts with the State of New York and provide goods and services at discounted rates. As such, purchases made through the RF qualify for these rates.

Purchasing Guidelines

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