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Information Technology

What is an ASL?

ASL stands for Application Security Liaison. This role has been established on all CUNY campuses for the purposes of processing CUNYfirst Access Request Forms. ASL do not approve or grant access but they are the central point of contact for application security within CUNYfirst. Those responsible for user enrollment, de-provisioning and approvers of roles & permission list assignment to profiles are know as Functional Liaisons or Access Approvers. They are the ones who must sign off on the forms besides managers, department heads, Business unit manager and in some cases the VP of Administrative Affairs.

ASL's should never be contacted directly for any CUNYfirst issues. All issues need to follow a strict reporting workflow which has been worked out in order to properly audit and report on all issues with CUNYfirst from the Central Office. For this reason you should always submit a YConnect Self Service ticket or call our Helpdesk for any CUNYfirst issues so that we can properly submit, escalate and resolve your issue.

While ASL's are key to gaining access and dealing with issues and exceptions in the review of access, we are not authorities on role assignments. For information on what roles a user should have either the department head or a CUNYfirst subject matter expert (in some cases the same person as the Access Approvers depending on the module in question) should be consulted. As with all issues either a YConnect request should be entered or a call to our Helpdesk should be initiated for support on any CUNYfirst or other computing related issues. Ext. 5311