Microsoft Version 10 Support Policy
As of April 1, 2018 this Microsoft Version 10 policy is changing as IT has started to work on a deployment plan campus wide for Windows 10 and MS Office 2016. We will leave this policy up until we are fully upgraded. Windows 10 has been delivered to the major labs on campus like the Library and Class Room building. Below is the old Policy on Support for Microsoft Windows Version 10 and Office 2013
Microsoft Windows 10 was released July 29th, 2015 in seven versions. A growing number of our members have asked questions about how and when will York College support this new release, as well as Office 2013 and Internet Explorer Edge.
While we are very excited about changes from Windows XP to Windows 7, in order to fully support Windows 10 there are many steps that we have to go through in order to ensure the highest standard of service for our members and all editions of Windows. We have only experienced Windows 7 for one full school year as of September 2015. Windows 10 is completely different in terms of what you may have been used to with XP & Windows 7. If you have seen Windows 8, Windows 10 combines the best of 7 & 8 but looks and feels more like Windows 8 in terms of presentation.
We are currently in the planning stages of testing this new release against all our supported applications. The same holds true for Internet Explorer Edge and Office 2013. Under the hood this is a major change for Microsoft, so we are taking a cautious approach to adopting this new Windows technology. We need to go through a normal evaluation cycle and consider this a longer term implementation.
New software from many vendors has historically not stabilized for at least 6-9 months after their release, and Microsoft is no exception. It is critical that we wait for the development cycle to run its course before we support this operating system.
Once we have verified and certified that Windows 10 is in a stable state in our York environment, and that our network is ready to support that state, we will initiate support for the OS and notify the York College community. The same process will happen for Office 2013 except that the MS Office will require training and other additional support which needs planning and coordination.
Under no circumstances should anyone using a York issued device on campus be on version 10 of windows unless IT is working with you as a beta tester authorized by the York CIO and you have agreed to terms of what that means. Right now this upgrade is considered a security risk since key applications like virus protection supported by the University have yet to be updated.
Microsoft is making the upgrade free for the first year. However, I would caution anyone who would initiate the free upgrades for home systems that may connect to York College network because so far initial testing have indicated problems. Additionally the various free versions that are being offered have features that may be different than what we would end up installing when we have completed our test and what CUNY Mall may be offering by the time the version matures.
Note that currently the McAfee virus protection does not work with Windows 10 McAfee has confirmed this and is of course working with Microsoft to insure that the protection will be resolved but we cannot support Windows 10 at this time until all applications that have a dependency on the underlying OS work 100%. Our VPN also currently will not work. This is all normal when a new OS first comes on the scene, everyone has to catch up first before we can make it part of our standard.
We will continue to provide updates to this page as we move forward with testing and certifying.