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Writing Across the Curriculum

Winter 2016 & Spring 2016 WI Courses

*NOTE: Additional WI courses are currently being added to this list. Students are required to complete three (3) WI courses for graduation, two in the lower-division (100- and 200-level courses) and one in the upper-division (300- and 400-level courses) in the major course design. (Important exceptions include students transferring into York College with credit for all Gen Ed courses and students who have been continuously enrolled since before Fall 2003.)

Winter 2016 Writing Intensive Courses

Business Administration

BUS  481 - Strategic Management, 72919, 2A-LEC; Wayne Forrester

Cultural Diversity

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 54160, 2A-LEC; Karen Taborn

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 54289, 2AB-LEC; Miriam Fried

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 54290, 2BC-LEC; Sung Joo


ECON  390 - Independent Research, 54318, 2TBA-LEC; Olajide Oladipo


PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 54283, 2A-LEC; Staff

PHIL  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 54284, 2A-LEC; Casandra Sibilin


SOC  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 54286, 2A-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

Theatre Arts

TA  110 - Introduction to the Theatre, 54179, 2BC-LEC; David Jones


Spring 2016 Writing Intensive Courses


ANTH  101 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 57943, M-LEC; Kiran Jayaram

ANTH  101 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 57944, PQ1-LEC; Kiran Jayaram


BIO  480 - Theory and Experimentation in Biotechnology, 58709, ABHJ-LEC; Melvin Silberklang, Louis Levinger

BIO  487 - Special Topics in Biology, 58712, PQR-LEC; Susan Alter


BTEC  480 - Theory and Experimentation in Biotechnology, 58710, ABHJ-LEC; Melvin Silberklang, Louis Levinger

BTEC  489 - Special Topics in Biotechnology, 58726, PQQ-LEC; Staff

Business Administration

BUS  481 - Strategic Management, 62999, ACC-LEC; Wayne Forrester

BUS  481 - Strategic Management, 63001, PQR-LEC; Staff

BUS  481 - Strategic Management, 63000, V-LEC; Wayne Forrester

BUS  481 - Strategic Management, 63003, WEB-LEC; Wayne Forrester


CHEM  421 - Physical-Inorganic Laboratory WI, 64769, DFHK-LEC; Daniel Robie

CHEM  462 - Experiments in Biological Chemistry, 73015, NQRT-LEC; Adam Profit, Emmanuel Chang, Ruel Desamero

Cultural Diversity

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59375, A-LEC; Dolores Floyd-white

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59376, C-LEC; Kay Neale

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59377, E-LEC; Janice Cline

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59378, GSK-LEC; Karen Taborn

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59379, L-LEC; Elizabeth Anderson

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59380, MSK-LEC; Kay Neale

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59381, S-LEC; Marjorie Dunbar

CLDV  100 - Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century, 59382, W-LEC; Sharada Devi

CLDV  101 - Understanding Cultural Diversity, 59383, EF-LEC; Roberto Benedito

CLDV  101 - Understanding Cultural Diversity, 59384, JK-LEC; Kay Neale

CLDV  101 - Understanding Cultural Diversity, 59385, PQ-LEC; Kay Neale

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59337, C-LEC; Miriam Fried

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59338, D-LEC; Miriam Fried

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59339, E-LEC; Alan Cooper

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59340, F-LEC; Miriam Fried

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59341, G-LEC; Sung Joo

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59345, PQQ-LEC; Kristina Bodetti

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59342, PQR-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59343, S-LEC; Jennifer Jensen

CLDV  210 - Western Civilization, 59344, T-LEC; Kristina Bodetti

Computer Science

CS  401 - Independent Study in Computer Science: Research and Writing, 62348, TBA-LEC; Danyang Zhang

Communications Technology

CT  201 - Foundations in Communications Technology, 66563, PQQ-LEC; Carly Gieseler

CT  205 - Principles of the Moving Image, 66569, PQR-LEC; Eric Metcalf


ECON  390 - Independent Research, 57905, TBA-LEC; Olajide Oladipo


EDUC  340 - Literacy Instruction Inside Middle & Secondary Schools for English Only & English Language Learners, 64851, GGJ-LEC; Tracy Schillinger

Environmental Health Science

EHS  110 - Science Technology and Environment, 58179, GKJ-LEC; Dora Wolosin

EHS  110 - Science Technology and Environment, 58178, PQR-LEC; Dora Wolosin


ENG  270 - Introduction to English Grammar and Syntax (WI), 65225, E-LEC; Matthew Corcoran

ENG  270 - Introduction to English Grammar and Syntax (WI), 65227, T-LEC; Aneesa Hussain

ENG  272 - World Englishes, 65230, PQ-LEC; Heather Robinson

ENG  286 - Introduction to Creative Writing, 65233, E-LEC; Phebe Kirkham

ENG  286 - Introduction to Creative Writing, 65236, F-LEC; Mark Blickley

ENG  286 - Introduction to Creative Writing, 65238, W-LEC; Glenn Lewis

ENG  384 - Writing for Electronic Media, 65271, R-LEC; Debbie Rowe

ENG  470 - Seminar in Writing, Rhetoric and Language, 65382, J-LEC; Shereen Inayatulla

Fine Arts

FA  101 - Visual Elements: 2-Dimensional; Margaret Vendryes *Recently Added

FA  106 - Introduction to Fine Arts: Cathedrals to Comtemporary, 66227, S-LEC; Caroline Gillaspie

FA  258 - Graphics I: Print-Making, 66263, FHHK-LEC; Lisa Mackie

FA  296 - African Art, 66312, PQQ-LEC; Margaret Vendryes

FA  358 - Graphics II: Print-Making, 66264, XXX-LEC; Lisa Mackie

FA  397 - Contemporary Art, 66505, FHH-LEC; Arnaud Gerspacher


GEOL  211 - Structural Geology, 58156, SV-LEC; Stanley Schleifer

GEOL  217 - Earth History with Paleontology, 72148, TW-LEC; Nazrul Khandaker

Health Education

HE  331 - Program Planning, 67608, CCE-LEC; Ray Marks

HE  331 - Program Planning, 67607, Y-LEC; Linda Barley

HE  365 - Research in Health and Physical Education, 66748, HGK-LEC; Linda Barley

HE  488 - Health Promotion in the Workplace, 67813, W-LEC; Reinold McNickle


HIST  258 - East Asia from 1800 to the Present, 73150, KJ-LEC; Roberto Benedito

Health Science

HPHS  401 - Field-based Experience in Health Sciences, 67829, TBA-LEC; Shawn Williams

Medical Technology

HPMT  351 - Clinical Chemistry, 67965, MN-LEC; Tonya Shearin-Patterson

HPMT  351 - Clinical Chemistry, 67966, PQR-LAB; Kathleen Pavletich

HPMT  358 - Diagnostic Techniques in Molecular Pathology, 67993, LMN-LEC; Helene Depalma


MUS  490 - Independent Study; Professor Zlabinger, *Recently Added


HUM  209 - Gender and Language, 73320, PQQ-LEC; Elizabeth Meddeb

HUM  250 - The Italian Experience in the United States, 59661, QR-LEC; Donna Chirico

Interdisciplinary Studies

IS  400 - Senior Seminar, 58831, V-LEC; James Como


JOUR  280 - Introduction to Journalism, 65397, CAD-LEC; Claire Serant

JOUR  281 - Introduction to Feature Writing, 65399, CF-LEC; Thomas Moore

JOUR  285 - Basics of Online Journalism, 65403, GJJ-LEC; Thomas Moore


MATH  479 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 62695, T-LEC; Lidia Gonzalez


MKT  483 - Marketing Management, 63188, S-LEC; Staff


MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 72341, ACC-LEC; Staff

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66120, ADC-LEC; Sandra Billingslea

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66121, BDD-LEC; Sandra Billingslea

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66122, LMN-LEC; Sandra Billingslea

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66123, MMN-LEC; Mark Adams

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66124, PQR-LEC; George Lam

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66125, S-LEC; Yuval Ronen

MUS  101 - Introduction to Music History, 66126, Y-LEC; Robert Stringer


NURS  301 - Values in Transition: Perspectives of Professional Nursing, 62869, WEB-LEC; Heather Gibson

Occupational Therapy

OT  518 - Research Seminar I; Tamara Avi-Itzhak, *Recently Added

OT  518 - Research Seminar I; Professor Krauss, *Recently Added

OT  518 - Research Seminar I; Professor Horowitz, *Recently Added

Physical Education

PE  365 - Research in Health and Physical Education, 66747, HGK-LEC; Linda Barley


PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58854, B-LEC; Filippo Casati

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58855, C-LEC; Howard Ruttenberg

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58857, E-LEC; Sung Joo

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58861, S-LEC; Sung Joo

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58862, V-LEC; Samuel Hux

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58863, W-LEC; Howard Isaacs

PHIL  103 - Introduction to Philosophy, 58864, YY-LEC; Michael Kramer

PHIL  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59187, G-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

PHIL  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59188, PQ-LEC; Tania Levey

PHIL  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59189, T-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

PHIL  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59190, V-LEC; Ramaina Prashad

PHIL  213 - Modern Philosophy, 59256, G-LEC; Howard Ruttenberg

Pharmaceutical Science

PHS  480 - Research in Pharmaceutical Science, 63197, TBA1-LEC; Deb Chakravarti

PHS  480 - Research in Pharmaceutical Science, 63198, TBA2-LEC; Daniele Musumeci

PHS  480 - Research in Pharmaceutical Science, 63199, TBA3-LEC; Emmanuel Chang

PHS  490 - Internships in Pharmaceutical Science, 63201, TBA-LEC; Daniel Robie

Political Science

POL  103 - (Section G) Politics and Government in the United States; Richard Boris *Recently Added

POL  221 - Research Methods in Political Science, 68467, QRR-LEC; Michael Sharpe

POL  228 - Public Administration in the Political Setting, 68471, QQR-LEC; Robin Harper

POL  241 - Basic Factors in International Politics, 68475, G-LEC; Michael Sharpe

POL  253 - Caribbean Politics, 68689, E-LEC; Michael Sharpe

POL  490 - Directed Reading and Research, 68695, TBA1-LEC; Robin Harper

POL  490 - Directed Reading and Research, 68696, TBA2-LEC; Michael Sharpe

Puerto Rican Studies

PRST  243 - Puerto Rican Society and Culture II, 59518, T-LEC; Sonia Valdes


PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68314, BDD-LEC; Cezar Giosan

PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68313, C-LEC; Kristin Davies

PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68315, M-LEC; Debra Swoboda

PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68316, S-LEC; Staff

PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68317, WEB1-LEC; William Ashton

PSY  330 - Foundations of Research in Psychology, 68318, WEB2-LEC; Harry Pitsikalis

Social Work

SCWK  400 - Generalist Social Work Practice III, 58407, FEH1-LEC; Jeffrey Steen

SCWK  400 - Generalist Social Work Practice III, 73378, FEH2-LEC; Staff

SCWK  400 - Generalist Social Work Practice III, 58408, S-LEC; Staff


SOC  201 - Sociological Analysis WI, 68731, EEG-LEC; Xiaodan Zhang

SOC  201 - Sociological Analysis WI, 68729, QRR-LEC; Xiaodan Zhang

SOC  201 - Sociological Analysis WI, 68730, V-LEC; Mohammad Hamad

SOC  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59197, G-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

SOC  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59198, PQ-LEC; Tania Levey

SOC  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59199, T-LEC; Casandra Sibilin

SOC  202 - Major Ideas and Issues in Education, 59200, V-LEC; Ramaina Prashad

SOC  312 - Sociological Theory WI, 68751, FEH-LEC; Aneta Kostrzewa

SOC  312 - Sociological Theory WI, 68750, T-LEC; Aneta Kostrzewa


SPAN  351 - Cervantes, 59516, GJJ-LEC; Margaret Ballantyne


TA  110 - Introduction to the Theatre, 65797, PQQ-LEC; Janice Capuana

TA  110 - Introduction to the Theatre, 65799, Y-LEC; Hadi Tabbal

TA  201 - Shakespeare: From Script to Screen, 65830, T-LEC; Timothy Amrhein

TA  210 - History of Theatre, 65842, W-LEC; Janice Capuana

TA  311 - Fundamental of Directing; Tim Amrhein *Recently Added

World Literature

WLIT  210 - North African Literature in Translation, 73324, GKJ-LEC; Hamid Bahri