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Writing Across the Curriculum

Information and Support Materials for Students and Faculty

What Is Writing Across The Curriculum?

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC for short) is a university-wide program that prepares our students to think about writing as skill that can be applied across all subjects and majors.

Here at York College, WAC provides resources to help integrate writing into the curriculum in every department and academic program by expanding the role of writing in the General Education curriculum, as well as developing Writing Intensive courses that are required for graduation.

Who Is the WAC Program?

WAC at York College is supported by a faculty committee representing different academic programs at York College, as well as the CUNY Graduate Center WAC Fellows, advanced graduate students from a wide array of disciplines who develop and implement WAC activities and initiatives at York.

Prof. Heather Robinson serves as the WAC coordinator for Writing Intensive courses and the chair of the Writing Intensive Advisory Committee, and Prof. Raquel Coy serves as the WAC Coordinator for Writing Fellows.

Collaborative Learning Center

Writing Program


Do you need help preparing a Writing Intensive (WI) course proposal or syllabus?
Would you like a Writing Fellow to facilitate a workshop for your students, focusing on a particular aspect of writing for your course?
Are you looking for support in order to integrate more writing into your course?

We can help! Contact the Writing Fellows Coordinator, Raquel Coy, at about getting support through a faculty-fellow collaboration.

WI Course Proposal Form

WAC Recommendations for Student Advisement

Finding WI Courses on CUNYFirst Global Search

Finding WI Courses on Schedule Builder

WI Faculty Seminar (New!)