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Department of English

Writing Program

The Writing Program, housed in the English Department, administers English 125 and 126 as well as Writing 301, 302, 303, and 304.

English 125 and English 126 make up the two-semester composition sequence that are part of the Pathways required core. These courses are designed to focus on academic reading and writing strategies and practices. Students should aim to take ENG 126 as soon as they have completed ENG 125.

Writing 301, 302, 303, and 304 are junior-level academic research and writing courses designed to help students transition from lower-division coursework to the more discipline-specific and independent work that characterizes inquiry in the majors. WRIT 301/302/303/304 can be used to fulfill the Pathways College Option. Several majors also require a specific course such as WRIT 301 or WRIT 303.

While any one of the four versions will meet the Pathways College Option requirement, students are encouraged to take the Writing 300 course most appropriate to their field of study whenever possible as follows:

  • WRIT 301 is recommended for majors in the humanities and social sciences;
  • WRIT 302 is recommended for majors in the natural sciences, mathematics, and technology;
  • WRIT 303 is recommended for majors in the professional programs;
  • WRIT 304 is designed specifically for English majors.

The WRIT 300 courses are not a sequence of courses, but a set of equivalent courses designed to meet a common set of learning objectives. The course number (WRIT 301 vs. WRIT 303, for example) designates the particular research focus of the course. In other words, WRIT 303 is NOT a more advanced version of WRIT 301; the two courses model the research process in the same way.

Students who entered York College before Fall 2013 and who have not opted into the Pathways Curriculum should take WRIT 301, 302, 303, or 304 after they have reached 60 credits.  

Writing Program
Academic Core 2A16