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Department of Occupational Therapy

11th Annual OT Research Virtual Colloquium

Optimizing Community Participation through Functional Literacy: Occupational Therapy’s Critical Role

Speaker: Dr. Lenin Grajo

This lecture will define and discuss the critical role of occupational therapy in enhancing functional literacy to optimize community participation of the clients that we serve. Dr. Grajo proposes that functional literacy be addressed as (a) a form of occupational justice promotion; (b) as an approach to health facilitation, well-being, and adaptive capacity; and (c) to strengthen social connectedness.

Dr. Lenin Grajo is Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine and Director of the Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy programs in the Programs in Occupational Therapy at Columbia University in New York City. His practice and research have focused on developing assessments and interventions for children and adults with reading and other literacy challenges. He is the lead author and developer of the Occupation and Participation Approach to Reading Intervention (OPARI) and has published the Inventory of Reading Occupations pediatric and adult assessments.

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Presented by  Department of Occupational Therapy York College, City University of New York School of Health Science and Professional Programs