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Institutional Advancement

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York College Foundation Inc.

York College Foundation Inc. is a not-for-profit educational foundation chartered by the Department of Education of the State of New York and recognized as a federally tax-exempt organization.

The York College Foundation was established in 1989 to support and advance the activities and mission of York College in its pursuit of excellence in its academic, cultural, research, and public service programs. The Foundation receives gifts that support students, academic programs, and/or provides emergency aid (grants) to students experiencing severe hardship and at high risk of dropping out. The Foundation operates in accordance with By-Laws. The Foundation's management consists of the following committees: Advancement, Board Development/Nominating, Executive, and Finance and Audit.


To support and advance the activities and mission of York College in the pursuit of excellence in its academic, cultural, research, and public service programs, and to promote and encourage interest and support for those programs and activities by members of the college and local community and alumni, as well as to serve as a medium for encouraging fuller understanding of the aims and functions of the College.

Goals: 2024 Fiscal Year

Preserve and enhance the real purchasing power of donations and provide the College with a stable and growing source of income. To that end, the following goals have been established

  • Established an investment policy
  • Established a spending (distribution) rate
  • Achieve within acceptable risk levels an average total return that meets or exceeds the sums of the Foundation spending (distribution) rate, the inflation rate, and investment management and related fees over a long period of time