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Resources for Teaching and Learning

On this page you will find resources related to teaching and learning.


Panel Discussions on Academic Integrity and Exam Fairness Part 1

Panel Discussions on Academic Integrity and Exam Fairness - Part 1 (hosted and recorded on 5/5/2020)

In this part of the panel discussions our academic integrity officer Dr. Linda Grasso, and directors from various student support offices talked about academic integrity and exam fairness from their respective perspectives. Make sure to open the Chat panel on the right by clicking the purple button at the bottom to see discussions and resources posted by the participants.

While watching it, think about how you can take into considerations of these perspectives when designing your finals and exams in your online course to address the issues and challenges students may face when working on the finals and exams from home.

Panel Discussions on Academic Integrity and Exam Fairness Part 2

Panel Discussions on Academic Integrity and Exam Fairness - Part 2 (hosted and recorded on 5/8/2020)

In this part of the panel discussions faculty and an instructional technologist shared their ideas on academic integrity and exam fairness from philosophical, pedagogical, psychological and technological perspectives. While watching, make sure to check out the Chat panel where you can find discussions and resources provided by the participants. 

What do you learn in this part of the panel discussions?  How do you see the issues of academic integrity?  How can you educate your students about it?  Will you use some of the strategies proposed by the panelists?  Which ones?

One faculty presenter shared her experience in conducting oral midterm and final exams in her biology online course. Do you consider oral exams for your online course(s)? See the section below to learn more about them.

Oral Midterm and Final Exams

What is it? 

Students draw 2 or 3 questions from a pool, get 15 or so minutes to prepare (open book), then present their response in a 15 (or so)-minute conversation with the instructor.  Whether teaching a face-to-face, hybrid or online class, oral exams can easily be conducted. In online courses, oral exams can be conducted using Blackboard.

Why considering it?

  1. Oral exams can effectively demonstrate students’ deep learning. “When taking an oral exam, you really need to know what you are talking about.”
  2. Oral exams are realistically cheat-proof.
  3. Oral exams can mitigate student-instructor English language communication problems. English may not be your students’ home language. Be extra mindful of possible communication issue if English is not your home language either.
  4. Grading an oral exam (component) can take less time than grading a written exam.
  5. Scheduling oral exams can be flexible and no proctors are needed. Within the parameters set by the Registrar, you set a time frame with time slots to indicate your availability to administer oral exams. Your students pick the time slot that best fits their schedule.  

How to do it?

Preparing and setting up oral exams