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Brightspace for Students

Brightspace tutorials and resources for students

York College now uses Brightspace (BrS) as the Learning Management System (LMS) instead of Bb for courses.

To access BrS, go to page and log in with your CUNY Login username and password.

To learn the main features and tools in BrS in a self-paced course and obtain a certificate, go to York Student Orientation for Brightspace and Online Learning. When prompt to log in, use your CUNY Login credentials.

Below are individual tutorials on frequently used features and tools:

Your Email Address in Brightspace

All user emails in BrS are their CUNY Logins. That is, No one can change their emails in Brightspace. No personal emails are in BrS.

Your CUNY Login email address in Brightspace is linked to your preferred email you set in your CUNYfirst account. In order to receive your proefssors' messages about your courses, please make sure that your preferred email is your York email. Below is a tutorial on how to check and change your preferred email in CUNYfirst.

To find more information on how to activate your York email and get help with your York email, please check out the Student Accounts Activation page.

Customize your personal settings in your BrS

It is very important to customize your Brightspace settings to fit your learning needs. Folllow the instructions in the linked web page below to add an avatar for your BrS account, set the frequency to receive course notifications, choose for which course activities you want to receive notifications.

Customize your personal settings in Brightspace

Your Notifications Settings

Please review and modify, if necessary, the settings for your Notifications in Brightspace to receive emails for course updates. Make sure to check the boxes for the two Announcements on your Notifications page.

Check the boxes for new and update announcements

Finding and accessing your courses

After logging in Brightspace, you can find your courses and access them in two places. Follow the instructions in the linked web page below to find your courses.

Note: you can only see your course after your professor makes it active/available to students. If the semester already started and you still don't see your registered course in Brightspace, please contact your professor.

Finding your courses in Brightspace

Based on which tools a course uses, your professor may customize the course menu to fit the course needs. Although you may see some differences in the course user interfaces, the top navigation bar and the Content module links on the left of the Content page enable you to access different areas of the courses such as your Grades, your Class Progress, Quizzes, Assignments. Review the linked web page below to familiarize yourself with your course nagivations.

Navigating your courses

Submitting Assignments

You can access assignments from Assignments link on the course top navigation bar or from a Content page.

Understanding due dates and end dates

Watch the videos below to learn how to work in Assignments page, submit and confirm assignments, as well as re-submit an assignment.

Troubleshoot issues with submitting assignments

If you encounter issues to submit an assignment, get an error message when trying to submit an assignment, go to the web page linked below and scroll down to the section on Troubleshoot Assignments.

Troubleshoot Assignments

Using the Quizzes tool

You can access quizzes, tests and exams from Quizzes link on the course top navigation bar or a Content page where your professor posts each of them.

Take a closer look at the Quiz Details page to understand each of the quiz information.

Watch a short video below to learn how to take a quiz, test or exam.

Posting on Discussion Topics

You can access discussion forums and topics from Discussions link on the course top navigation bar or a Content page where your professor posts each of them.

For all aspects of the Discussion tool, check out Communicate and interact with others using Discussions.

Viewing Grades and Feedback

Viewing Class Progress

Using Brightsapce Mobile App Pulse

You can keep track of your course work using Brightspace's Pulse app. Check out the linked web pages below to learn what Pulse can do and how to get it.

Need more help? Contact the CTLET LMS Support Team


Walk-in Offices: AC-4EA1 and AC-4G01

Phone: (718) 262 - 5219

Online Live Support Room can be found in the CTLET site in Brightspace. After logging in to Brightspace, look at My Courses > Organizations tab.

Live LMS Support