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Department of Chemistry

Master of Pharmaceutical Science and Business, Expand Your Knowledge. York College Graduate Studies CUNY

Pharmaceutical Science and Business (MS)

The goal of the Master of Pharmaceutical Science and Business Program at York College is to prepare students for responsible positions in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.

Apply Now

Step 1:  Register on our online Documents portal

Step 2: Follow the instruction in your email to activate your account

Step 3: Fill out the Online Application Form

Opportunities for students successfully completing the program include careers with Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical companies, professional societies, government, and international agencies. In this two-year graduate program, students will complete a total of 36 credits toward the degree, of which 24 will be from the Common Core Courses and 12 from the optional Elective Courses. Full-time students will be expected to take 9 credits per semester.

The application process for the Fall 2024 cycle is open! It is strongly recommended to submit the application by August 16th, 2024. Applications submitted after this deadline may not guarantee admission into the Fall Semester.

For more information about the Pharmaceutical Science and Business Master's program, contact Dr. Emmanuel Chang

Our Graduates


Tuition and Fees

For more info about York College Tuition and Fees please visit the Online Bulletin - Tuition and Fees webpage.