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Department of Behavioral Sciences

Pre-Law Preparation Summer Programs and Institutes

Information for Pre-law Students about summer programs and institutes

(NOTE: Some of these programs are open to all. Some are more diversity-oriented. Some are limited to special populations – for example: male-only, juniors-only, post-Baccalaureate-only, working students- only, etc. Some are free due to grants, some are inexpensive and others require a substantial student payment; many offer generous scholarships. That means that sometimes, because of the scholarships, the expensive program costs you the least. Do not be afraid to ask if you can still participate even if you do not meet all of the requirements and ask about scholarships. Please note that some of the programs are very competitive. Please read the websites carefully and contact the programs directly for more information.)

In New York City

Latino Justice PRLDEF


With the support of the Office of Diversity Initiatives of the Law School Admission Council, LAWbound® builds upon our current pre-law programming and identifies Latino students early in their college career. The program provides targeted services that address some of the most common barriers to admission to law school, and helps students effectively navigate the law school admissions process, and, in turn, underwrite their own success.

Our goal is simple. To increase the number of Latinos who go to law school.


Contact for more information.


Ronald H. Brown Law School Prep Program for College Students

The Ron Brown Prep Program prepares students for the challenges of law school and for the law school application process. Participants gain an edge in courses taught by Law School faculty; through internships with judges and lawyers; in a customized LSAT prep course; and with advising on all aspects of the admission process.


York College students, contact Prof. Robin Harper or by phone (718)262-2692

For all others, for more information, contact Kamille Dean by phone Phone: 718-990-6469 and by email


NYC Bar Association

LSAT/Law School Prep Conference

This annual comprehensive one-day conference for college students and recent graduates provides information on everything from the LSAT through the first year of law school. The program includes LSAT prep classes by leading providers, as well as panels with admissions representatives and law students from regional law schools. The conference culminates with a Networking and Admissions Fair. All participants will receive materials on admissions and financial aid, and will be entered into a raffle for free prep courses. {This is usually in January. Contact them for more information!)

ALSO Launching Your Career Seminar Series:

For several weeks in the spring, participants will visit sponsoring law firms, where they will have an opportunity to learn about resume/cover letter writing, interviewing skills, presentation skills, office etiquette, legal writing, and career development/mentorship. This will be an interactive series of workshops to help young men and women develop necessary professional skills and begin to build their professional networks.


For more information, contact the Office for Diversity & Inclusion New York City Bar Association by phone (212) 382-6772 or email


PRE-LAW SUMMER INSTITUTE : The road to law school is paved with motivation, perspiration and preparation: preparation provided by the Council on Legal Education Opportunity's Pre-Law Summer Institute. The institute is a four-week residential program with the aim of bringing together students from diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds and provide them with the training necessary to successfully prepare and navigate the road to law school.

This site includes NY and non-NY based programs.


For information about the spectrum of programs providing information and support to aspiring attorneys:


Fordham University School of Law

Summer Pre-Law Institute

Get a head start and learn what it takes to succeed in law school by attending Fordham's Pre-Law Institute. The Pre-Law Institute will expose you to the rigors of law school while you experience the Big Apple.

Classes are taught by Fordham Law School faculty, who will introduce the Socratic method of teaching that is common in legal education. Topics include Introduction to the U.S. Legal System, Constitutional Law, Legislation/Regulation, Foundations of Private Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Civil Procedure and Litigation, Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and Legal Research and Writing.

Available as a non-credit and credit-bearing program.

Fordham University School of Law also has a program called the IDEAL program (formerly LEAP) to increase diversity in the law. There is no published information at the moment. This will be updated as we learn more about the status of the program.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact staff by email or telephone: 212-636-7702


This is an annual program for college students that DANY co-sponsors with the Brooklyn Bar Association and the Brooklyn Women's Bar Association. It runs from January through September. To learn more, please review the 2017 brochure with application and Brooklyn Eagle write-up that are available via the links below, and kindly publicize this opportunity with as many people in your networks as possible. Also, please let us know if you or any members of your firm would be interested in becoming involved either as a mentor or mock interviewer. We are also seeking firms who would be willing to provide our participants with an 8 week summer internship opportunity. Because our target participants are economically disadvantaged we are encouraging firms that are interested in providing internship opportunities to commit to providing the participants with a $1,000 stipend to cover their transportation and incidental costs. We have high hopes for this program and are grateful to DANY and its leadership for its ongoing commitment to developing a more inclusive legal community. Link for Pipeline Program brochure with application:

Information: Pipeline App.pdf

Questions regarding the application or program please contact Claire Rush at


Outside New York City

University California - Davis

King Hall Outreach Program (KHOP)

Established in 2001, the King Hall Outreach Program (KHOP) is a unique initiative that helps college students from underrepresented communities prepare for the law school admissions process. In addition to providing mentoring and pre-law advising during the school year, the program hosts eligible college juniors and seniors for a series of weekend sessions in which students gain valuable knowledge about the law school admission process, learn writing, analytical, and logical reasoning skills, develop study techniques for taking the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and explore career paths available to law school graduates.


Questions regarding the application or program should be directed to King Hall Outreach Program staff by email or by phone 530-752-6477.


University of Baltimore

The Charles Hamilton Houston Scholars Program

The Charles Hamilton Houston Scholars Program (CHHSP) helps underrepresented college freshmen and sophomores develop the academic skills needed to improve undergraduate performance and to enhance their chances for admission to and success in law school.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact staff by email


Law School Admissions Council's Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS)

LSAC's four-week Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) programs provide an intense focus on the skills required to succeed in law school, the admission process, and a legal career. PLUS programs are designed for students in the first two years of college and are targeted at, but not restricted to, students from racial and ethnic minority groups underrepresented in the legal profession.



University of Florida

Donald J. Weidner Summer for Undergraduates Program at the College of Law

This program brings to campus undergraduate students from throughout the country for a month-long immersion into legal study. The largest and oldest of its kind, the primary goal of the program is to acquaint students with the study of law and to assist them in acquiring skills that will benefit their undergraduate and future law school studies. The program has been twice honored by the American Bar Association's Raymond Pace and Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander Award for Excellence in Pipeline Diversity. The award is given to organizations or individuals who have shown innovation and leadership in diversifying the educational pipeline to the legal profession.



University of Houston Law Center

UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program The award-winning UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program is designed to increase the diversity of law school applicants by providing law school preparatory resources – LSAT preparation, introductory law school classes, internships, and professional development sessions – for undergraduate students who are first generation, low income, or members of groups underrepresented in the legal profession. Students participating in this program will be equipped with the tools to handle better the demands of the LSAT and their potential law school careers.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact by email Kristen Guiseppi at


Chicago-Kent Law School

Pre-Law Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) Program The Chicago-Kent Pre-Law Undergraduate Scholars program ("PLUS") offers a unique and unforgettable experience for college students who are interested in the legal profession. This rigorous three-week program is designed to prepare students for law school or a career in the legal profession by helping them to develop essential core competencies needed to succeed in these areas. The program targets undergraduate college students from groups that are underrepresented in the legal profession.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact Assistant Dean Marsha Ross-Jackson by phone: 312.906.5346 or by email:


Cornell Prelaw Program & Internship in New York City

In this rigorous prelaw program, you'll have an unparalleled opportunity to develop an accurate picture of the realities, rewards, and challenges of being a lawyer today.

You'll gain both a solid academic foundation in U.S. law and invaluable practical experience working in an internship.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact staff by phone 607.255.4987 or email:


Duke University School of Law

D.C. Summer Institute on Law and Policy The Duke D.C. Summer Institute offers short courses taught by Duke Law faculty on topics of broad interest to college and graduate students, as well as professionals working in Washington, D.C.

Launched in 2013, the Institute is designed for individuals considering law school or careers in the public sector and others interested in how the law shapes policy and regulation in the United States. It's a wonderful complement to Capitol Hill and other D.C.-based positions and summer internships.


Questions regarding the application or program should contact staff by phone: 919.613.7157 or email:


The Ohio State University

The University of Oxford-The Ohio State University Summer Law Program

The Ohio State University and the University of Oxford have partnered since 1993 to offer their Summer Pre-Law Program at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England. The program, which is the oldest overseas pre-law program in existence, takes place from late June to late July every year.

It is generally known that the American legal system developed out of Great Britain's legal system, and the strong influence of English law is still apparent in our system of law. Studying in a university that, for some 900 years, has had a major role in developing the current Anglo-American legal system, is valuable preparation for students who are contemplating studying law in America. In addition, we specifically devote time to helping pre-law students hone the skills necessary for success in American law schools.


Questions concerning the application process, fees, financial aid or any other matters should be directed to Rebecca McMunn at


These are great places to look:

  • Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO)
  • The NYC Bar Association also frequently holds events for students interested in a pre-law preparatory program.
  • Law School Admissions Council

If you are interested in any of the above programs, please let me know and I can guide you as you prepare your applications. Contact Dr. Robin Harper, Pre-Law Advisor,