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Undergraduate Research

10th Annual Research Day


Atrium and Faculty Dining Room

Contact Name

Rudolf Nisanov

Contact Phone


Research Day is a celebration of undergraduate research and creative scholarship in all disciplines at York College.

2019 Research Day - Call for Abstracts

The Office of Undergraduate Research at York College is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our 10 th Annual Research Day. The conference will take place from 9 to 5 pm in the Academic Core building at York College on Thursday, May 9 th , 2019. Research Day is a celebration of undergraduate research and creative scholarship in all disciplines at York College. The conference also offers opportunities for students to connect with potential faculty mentors. Abstract submission is open for reports of original research and creative scholarship as well as classroom projects that engage students in research-like experiences. All submissions require sponsorship by a faculty mentor. Submissions should conform to the Student Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations. Accepted abstracts will be published in the York College Undergraduate Research Day Proceedings. Consequently, faculty mentors should be careful to review all submitted work.

  • February 15th, 2019 - Abstract submission and registration open
  • April 15th, 2019 - Abstract and registration submission EXTENDED deadline 
  • April 25th, 2019 - Acceptance email notifications will be sent out by this date.
  • April 30th, 2019 - Deadline to request poster printing. Instructions on how to request poster printing will be emailed to presenters.
  • May 9th, 2019 - Research Day.

For information on scholarships and research opportunities, find the York College Office of Undergraduate Research on Twitter.

Oral Presentation Tips for Creating Effective Oral Presentations

Poster Presentations Tips for Creating Effective Poster Presentations

History of the Conference

Every April, York College students engaged in undergraduate research and creative scholarship present their findings through poster and panel presentations. In 2011, the 2nd Annual Student Research Day involved more than 200 participants, including keynote speaker Staceyann Chin, performer, and Co-writer of Russel Simmons Def Poetry Jam on Broadway, The Other Side Of Paradise. In 2012, the 3rd Annual Student Research Day involved more than 250 students, and featured award-winning novelist Hari Kunzru, author of "Gods Without Men."  Participation continued to grow for our 4th Annual Research day, which featured Dr. Partha P. Mitra, Professor of Neuroscience and Theoretical Biology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Our hallmark 5th year featured Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Duhigg and former Provost of York College, Ivelaw Griffith. The 6th year featured science evangelist and author Dr. Ainissa Ramirez and honoree Dr. Beth Rosenthal.