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Career Resource Center

2013 Occupational Outlook Handbook Released

Considered the Government’s premier source of career information, the Occupational Outlook Handbook provides comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable labor market information that has helped millions of people plan their future work lives.

The 2012-13 edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook has been released!  Produced by the Department of Labor, it includes 341 occupation profiles, an overview of the 2010-2020 employment projections, enhanced search and navigation options, and more.

Each occupational profile discusses what workers in that occupation do, their work environment, the typical education and training needed to enter the occupation, pay, and the job outlook for the occupation. This information has proven invaluable to counselors, students, parents, jobseekers, career changers, education and training officials, and researchers. The Occupational Outlook Handbook can be found  here.