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Career Resource Center

Four Year College Plan

Career Services

Career services four year college plan

Freshman Year

Self Assessment and Career Planning

  • Visit the Career services website and activate your Cardinal Careers account.
  • Attend the Orientation Workshop via Zoom and learn about all the resources Career Services can offer.
  • Conduct a Focus 2 self-assessment to find the career path that best fits your strengths, values, and interests.
  • Get involved on campus by volunteering, joining a student club, or attending campus events.
  • You can learn about all the events taking place by regularly checking the academic calendar, monitoring your York College email, or downloading the York College Cardinal app on your phone.
  • Apply to leadership programs open to freshmen such as America Needs You (ANY).
  • Volunteer/Intern off campus to acquire work experience and/or acquire a summer job at end of the first year.
  • Begin to develop your resume.

Sophomore Year

Career Assessment, Develop Skills

  • Utilize ONET to learn about the skills, and knowledge you need to attain in your field of study. Formulate a plan to achieve these skills throughout your academic years in order to become a strong candidate when entering the job market.
  • Meet virtually with a Career counselor to discuss your career plan
  • Attend a Career Services Virtual Resume Clinic to get your resume critiqued
  • Attend Career Services Virtual Internship workshop to learn about open internships and how to apply in order to secure an internship for the semester or summer
  • If you have not already done so, declare a major and attain a mentor within your major

Junior Year

Gain Experience, Set Your Career Goal, Job and/or Graduate School

  • Meet virtually with Career Services staff to further narrow down your job and/or graduate school plan
  • If you are planning to attend graduate school, research graduate school timelines, applications and tests needed to be taken, E.g.: LSAT, GRE, GMAT
  • Attend Career Fairs and begin to network with potential employers
  • Join professional associations related to your major
  • Apply to leadership programs such as the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), the Role Model Program, or the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).
  • Apply for more internships, experiential learning opportunities in your area of study, and take more leadership roles on and/or off campus
  • Set up a virtual mock-interview with career services staff to prepare for upcoming interviews

Senior Year

Implement and Transition

  • Develop a job search strategy or finalize graduate schools plans
  • Obtain references from employers and faculty
  • Refine your resume and cover letter to prepare for interviews
  • Prepare for job interviews and/or graduate school interviews by scheduling virtual mock-interviews with career services staff
  • Stay in communication with Career Services and continue to build your network
  • Create a “Plan B” if career path needs adjustment