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Logging in to Blackboard
Tutorials for first-time users or students who are unable to access Blackboard.
Accessibility Resources
On this page you will find resources on accessibility for education and technology.
Getting Started with Online Learning
The first few steps to start your first online course.
Online Communication Etiquette Guide
Online communications guide for students.
Study Skills needed to success in online courses
Watch the orientation video first, then review the study skills that can help you success in an online or hybrid courses.
Technical requirements for taking online courses
Hardware and software required for taking online or hybrid courses.
What is an online course?
Definitions of an online course, an asynchronous online course and a synchronous online course.
Online Course Information
This website provides information and guidance in the areas of technology and learning skills for students who take or plan to take online courses at York College.
York College Windows 10 Resources
Access to helpful windows 10 resources
Book Store
Login with your CUNYfirst account to view a personalized page of your course materials
Y-Connect Quick User Guide
Use this quick guide to learn how to access and create cases in Y-Connect. Note: You need to have an active York College ID to access this system
Wired Connections
All offices on campus have network connections. However, your PC may need to be configured to communicate with college and the Internet.
VPN Access
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides an encrypted connection between your off-campus computer and the YC campus network.
Email - Students
The York College student email system is a web-based service powered and hosted by Microsoft Office 365 for Undergraduate, Graduate and Non-Degree students who registered with our campus