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Office of the President

Leadership Transition

Dear York College Community,

I write with a heavy heart but with the optimism that is at the core of my belief in the strength and power of York College. As of December 21, I will leave York College to serve as President of California State University, Los Angeles beginning on January 8, 2024. This decision was made with thoughtful reflection, faith and with a deep commitment to continuing to work on behalf of educational equity.

It has been a privilege to serve as your President since 2019 and to work closely with all of you to build on the foundation and accomplishments of faculty and staff. These last five years have been a tremendous opportunity for which I will always be grateful. Your passion, dedication, and expertise have informed my tenure and fueled the development and growth of a strategic plan based on our values and the pillars of student success, academic excellence, faculty and staff support, and building a vibrant campus. I am confident that with the current campus leadership, York College will flourish and continue to grow as a senior college of the City University of New York.

As we work together over the fall semester, I look forward to continuing our laser focus on enrollment and implementing the initiatives that have been recommended by the Strategic Enrollment Task Force. I am committed to using these next few months to partner with all of you and to move forward with the work we have begun on our shared goals of strengthening the College. 

To our York College students, you are our current and future leaders. It has been an honor to have you become part of my life and to witness and support your success.  Your intellect, curiosity and commitment are unparalleled and your potential unmatched. Student success and access to a higher education for all is what led me to begin a career in academia. I leave York College with experiences and memories that I will always treasure.

Thank you for our work together. I wish all of you the greatest success.


Berenecea Johnson Eanes
