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Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Computer Lab Rules

Check in/Check out Procedures

  • Only York College students with validated ID cards are permitted to use the labs.
  • Instructors will provide class rosters at the beginning of the semester.
  • At the beginning of the semester, lab staff will update lab use stickers on all validated ID cards.
  • Students required to use lab disks will surrender their ID cards to obtain the disks.
  • All other students will show their ID cards and sign in to be allowed to use the computers.
  • As a matter of courtesy and for the sake of lab security, faculty members should identify themselves to the lab staff.
  • Students are not permitted to bring friends or family members to the labs.
  • No one may enter Control Room area without the consent of the lab staff.
  • Faculty equipment should be used for instructional use only. More than two printed copies should be done by the printing office.
  • Do not install programs or save data on the hard disk drive without consent of computer staff.
  • The lab is not responsible for the damage or loss of files, or any other personal belongings.
  • Faculty should not invite students into the Control Room at any time.