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Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Computer Labs

Students can utilize the computer labs that are on campus.

The Classroom Building (on the second floor) houses a college-wide drop-in lab with 62 computers and six digital classrooms with about 30 computers each. These labs are fully equipped with Pentium 4 computers, and each contains a high-resolution LCD data/video project be projected onto a large screen to enhance class instruction. Students and faculty are capable of accessing the web on our workstations or their personal laptops via our wireless and local area network circulated throughout the labs.

Classroom Building

General Lab Location: CL-201a Facility:  Walk-in lab with 62 networked Pentium IV Computers, Networked Laser Printers. Hours for Spring and Fall:    Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00 AM - 9:45 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 9:45 PM Fridays & Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Summer and Winter hours vary. Manager: Elizabeth Chow, Phone: 718-262-3888/3890 Email:

Computer Lab Rules

Check in/Check out Procedures

CUNY Computer Software Site Licenses

Computer software licenses purchased by the University.

CUNY Computer User Responsibilities

Note: City University of New York Computer User Responsibilities is a statement originally prepared by the University's computer Policy Committee. It underwent review by the University Faculty Senate and the CUNY Office of the Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs.

IT Policies

The York College Web Pages and other related computer resources for Internet access are being developed for the purpose of advancing the Mission of York College.

IT Security

To protect York's computer resources and the related information assets, the Center has implemented a Firewall system to protect the College network resources. The center has deployed an Intrusion Detection System for the campus.

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