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The VITA Program

Client Expectations

What VITA Program clients should expect and what we expect from clients.

What do you expect from us?

Professionalism and Quality:  We treat each client with respect and understand we are dealing with important documents.  The IRS recommends we complete at least one review; however our system completes five reviews which include a client review.  The review process is handled by returning interns, managers, specialized reviewers, or CPA's.

Responsibility:  We will ensure all of your information is kept safely and we will not complete returns we are not trained for, to ensure that there are no mistakes on your return.  If we cannot complete your return we will refer you to someone who can help you.

What do we expect from you?

Patience:  We understand your time is very valuable, however tax preparation takes times.  If you rush our interns there is a possibility of a mistake occurring and delaying your return being processed.  Also our site is mainly first come first serve, so please sign in and wait patiently. 

Understanding:  Our interns are trained under the VITA umbrella and only handle certain situations.  If we cannot complete your return, understand it is outside our range and both parties do not want mistakes to occur.

Questions:  We want to educate our clients about tax law, so don't hesitate to ask any questions.  Especially if you feel your return is complicated and we might not be able to complete your return.  We will do our best to answer all your questions.

Truth:  Please do not make up stories just so you can claim certain benefits.  Our interns are held to a responsibility that if for any reason they feel uncomfortable with someone's situation, they shouldn't complete the return.  Also it is your responsibility that if you are audited you must explain your return with evidence.