Submit events for promotion on the college calendar, CUNY calendar, and for social media consideration.
No more than 8 significant words
A page’s description/summary is often used as additional details under the page’s title in search results as well as in details from sharing a link. Keeping the description to 50-160 characters is optimal. Do not include the event's date, time or location in this field.
Additional text/copy for the event page
eg. 11am - 2pm
Location of the event.
Name of a person to contact about this event.
Email address to contact about this event.
Phone number to contact about this event.
Drop file here to upload a new file
File must less than 20mb
Let us know of any public officials, VIPs or external guests expected to attend.
By checking this box I acknowledge that I am granting York College (“the College”) the absolute right and permission to use my name, portrait, picture (by video or film photography or still photography and with or without soundtrack), likeness in whole or in part and comments ascribed to me, in whole or in part, with or without written copy for advertising, marketing, art, publicity, editorial and promotion purposes in College, or CUNY literature and other magazines, newspapers, social media, website, and media for any lawful purpose whatsoever.