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Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)

Committee Charge and Membership


The mission of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee at York College is to oversee and support the systematic and comprehensive assessment of York College’s operations, academic and non-academic units in fulfilling its mission and ensuring student success.


  • Coordinate and oversee the work of the three college-wide assessment committees Academic Assessment Committee (AAC), General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) and Administrative Educational Student Support Assessment Committee (AESSAC). 
  • Ensure that assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) occurs at the college level.
  • Ensure that assessment of Student Success Outcomes (SSOs) are met at the college level.
  • Review, and approve all assessment college policies and procedures
  • Report to the Strategic Planning Committee the progress of assessment activities and resource needs
  • Ensure that assessment results are incorporated and guide programmatic and unit improvement planning
  • Communicate assessment activities to the College community and College governance and keep them informed about the changes in MSCHE accreditation standards/procedures
  • Assess the effectiveness of assessment processes utilized by the College efforts to make changes for improvement
  • Provide oversight to the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan


The Institutional Effectiveness Committee, co-chaired by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning, reports to the President and the Strategic Planning Committee.

The structure of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is as follows:

  1. Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs (co-chair)
  2. Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning (co-chair)
  3. Assistant Vice President of Administration and Finance
  4. Director of Academic Assessment (Office of Academic Affairs Faculty Fellow)
  5. Associate Director of Assessment
  6. Chair of Academic Assessment Committee
  7. Chair of General Education Assessment Committee
  8. Chair of Administrative Educational Student Support Assessment Committee
  9. Dean of Arts and Sciences
  10. Dean of Health Sciences and Professional Programs
  11. Dean of Business (Vacant)
  12. Two Department Chairs
  13. Two Faculty Members

Non-ex officio members (department chairs and faculty) will serve three-year terms on a rotating basis to ensure continuity. Nominations for membership will be requested by the committee chairs from the academic leadership. The committee chairs and the president will review the nominations and make the appointments.


  • Maintain a schedule of assessment so that during an eight year period, multiple cycles of assessment activities will be completed and reported by the three assessment committees
  • Establish assessment procedures and methods of analysis for each area corresponding to each committee (AAC, GEAC, AESSAC) reassess those initiatives in an ongoing effort to develop effective and sustainable assessment practices
  • Collect, evaluate, and analyze the assessment materials pertaining to  Institutional Learning Outcomes
  • Collect, evaluate, and analyze the assessment plans and reports from each assessment committee
  • Support each committee and unit in developing initiatives to improve student success
  • Work with programs, departments and units  to establish and execute effective assessment plans, and to integrate their findings into strategic action plans in improving student success
  • Write and submit annual reports on the state of student learning and success outcomes, the assessment findings, the use of the results for improvement, and recommendations for policy/procedural change(s) indicated by the assessment results
  • Work with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning to create a body of evidence that demonstrates ongoing, systematic and comprehensive assessment with findings trended over time

Reporting and Communication

  • Communicate procedures and findings to the College community and outside accrediting agencies
  • Distribute annual reports campus-wide and post on the College’s assessment website
  • Present results and recommendations to standing committees including but not limited to the Strategic Planning Committee, the College Personnel and Budget Committee, Faculty Caucus, College Senate, etc.