Section Honors Program Header

Honors Program

Research Examples

Research Topic Guideline

Research must be original, however it can be subtopic of a bigger project. The project can be multidisciplinary if the mentors agree. 

  • Synthesis of Drug delivery Research 

    Molecular modeling of ground state and excited states of model drug 

    Subtopic: Calculating different energy state and geometry using a software; Gauss 

    Synthesis of the starting material 

    Subtopic: Traditional organic synthesis of the compound 

    Testing drug delivery in a cell culture 

    Subtopic: Shinning light to drug delivery system in a cell culture in the petri dish 

  • Evolutionary and ecological genomics in aquatic environments

    Evolution, population genetics and speciation in African freshwater fishes

    Subtopic: DNA extraction, PCR Amplification and DNA sequencing of fishes

    The Jamaica Bay metagenome project
    eDNA in NYC and beyond
    Adaptation to urban living in fishes
    Marine mammal ecology and evolution