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Alumni Association


Alumni Association Committees

These scholarships reward students who have achieved excellence while helping their fellow students, neighbors, and friends and have a cumulative G.P.A of 3.0. The Gilbert T. Boozer Scholarship is awarded to a freshman, The John B.K. Aheto Scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, The York College Alumni Scholarship is awarded to a junior, and The Alumni Association Cardinal Scholarship for Academic Achievement is awarded to an athlete.

The Deadline for scholarship applications is November 20. No applications will be accepted after the deadline date.

Alumni Scholarship Application

Applications are currently available outside of our office located in Room 1B05.

Alums who have excelled in their chosen field and have contributed to the community through volunteer service are awarded  The York College Alumni Distinguished Alumnus Award. The York College Distinguished Graduate Award is presented to a member of the current graduating class who has maintained at least a 3.5 G.P.A. and has contributed to the community through volunteer service. The Association also recognizes distinguished service to the Queens community through its Community Service Award and outstanding service to the Association through its Meritorious Service Award.