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Alumni Association

Welcome to York College CUNY Alumni Association Inc. official website

Mission Statement

The Alumni Association's mission is to preserve the value of York College by uplifting its image and visibility through communicating and asserting a working relationship with alumni, administration, faculty, staff, students, and the surrounding community.

Individually and collectively, we maintain that York College remains the beacon on the hill. We commit ourselves to doing all that is possible for York College to persevere academically, financially, morally, and visibly.

York's Alumni Pledge

I pledge to support the York College Alumni in its undying commitment to excellence in education and to the preservation of my alma mater and to strive to make York College the bastion of enlightenment and the lighthouse of knowledge. As those before me have faithfully done, I pledge to use my time and my talents to help those who come after me to realize the fulfillment of education. I further pledge to financially support the Alumni Association and York College and to be an active participant in its undertakings and to adhere to all the principles and rules as set forth in the Alumni Charter.

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