Purchasing Department

Purchasing Department

Vendor Relations and Ethics

I. Purpose

To set forth College policy to ensure that all interactions and dealings with vendors are conducted appropriately adhering to the highest standards of business ethics and code of conduct set within the guidelines of State ethic laws as published by the New York Ethics Commission and the procurement guidelines set by the College, CUNY, State and City.

II. Policy

  • All vendor relationships shall be based solely on sound business and ethical practices and shall be conducted in the best interest of the College and in compliance with all relevant State, City, CUNY and College rules, regulations, and guidelines.
  • Only the Purchasing Department is authorized to modify a Purchase Order in any way or form (e.g. price, additional services, quantities, etc.) after the Purchase Order or Contract was duly executed to a vendor.
  • All employees of the College, whether full-time or part-time, are prohibited from offering for sale or selling goods and services of any kind to the College.  
  • Personal Services rendered to the College must be rendered in compliance with all relevant laws governing the relation of employer to employee, and no employee should accept an order for goods or services from the College at any time while employed by the College.
  • All employees of the College are prohibited from participating in any purchasing activity involving a vendor with whom he/she or an immediate family member, or a member of their household, has an interest.   The employee must disclose the nature and extent of any potential interest or appearance of such.
  • In the interest of maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and for the purposes of establishing favorable relationships with the business community, employees must exercise the utmost discretion when contacting vendors regarding possible business opportunities with the College.   All such contacts should include a caveat regarding the College’s requirement that all purchasing transactions and commitments be conducted through the College’s Purchasing Department.
  • Personal purchases must NOT be transacted in the name of the College.   Employees of the College who are making purchases for personal use are prohibited from requesting any form of special pricing from vendors to the College, such as State of New York Contract pricing, unless such cost reductions are offered to the general public or if such pricing is offered to educators or staff members in consideration of educational credentials or related affiliations.   In any such case, responsibility for payments owed to vendors shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser, and all relevant State, federal and local taxes must be paid in compliance with applicable laws.
  • Under no circumstances is an employee of the College to claim tax exemption when purchasing goods and services for personal use.
  • Employees of the College are prohibited from accepting any gifts, favors, and services from vendors of the College.  
  • Unsolicited gifts received from a vendor should be returned with a polite note explaining College policy. UPS service and, if warranted, adequate insurance coverage, is available through the College’s Mail Center to return an unsolicited gift of substantial value.