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Purchasing Department

Purchasing Procedures

Purchasing Policy The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all goods and services and applying best practices for optimizing cost savings, quality products, and services, and for assuring proper inventory control and inspections as required by the College in accordance with State, City and CUNY regulations.

All purchases made using tax levy (State and City funds) are subject to Finance and Education Law of the State of New York, the rules and regulations promulgated by the Office of the State and City Comptroller, and the official policies mandated by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. Pursuant to College Policy, employees who order and receive goods and services without an approved purchase order may be held personally liable for payment. Likewise, vendors who provide goods and services without an officially approved College Purchase Order, issued only by the Purchasing Department, may be subject to non-payment.

General Procedures

  • Area and Department Heads are responsible for prudently planning for and requesting those goods and services necessary for effective operation.
  • Each department should determine the source and availability of funds prior to any initiation and submission of a Purchase Requisition.  Requisitions will be returned with a memo indicating insufficient funds.
  • The College’s official Purchase Requisition must be completed, approved, and signed and then submitted to the Purchasing Department in advance of all commitments of expenditures with the exception of travel reimbursement requests. Purchase Requisitions may be obtained from the Purchasing Department or a printable copy is available on this web page.
  • All purchases of goods and services including Independent Contractual services must be authorized by an official Purchase Order, signed by the Director of Purchasing or designee, prior to delivery of goods and services.
  • York College’s general purchasing policies are consistent with official policies mandated by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York, the New York State Comptroller’s Office, and the New York City Comptroller’s Office.

The Purchasing Process

Purchase Requisition Form and Instructions

A Purchase Requisition is a written notification to the Purchasing Department of a College department’s intent to buy goods and services to be used in the conduct of College business.  A purchase requisition is an internal document that is never forwarded to a vendor.  All purchase requisitions must be signed by the authorized signatory for each department.

The following information must be included in all purchase requisitions:

  • Department name, contact person, telephone extension, email
  • Department account number or type of fund to be charged
  • Suggested vendor’s name, address, Federal Tax ID#, telephone, fax, email
  • Itemized description of the goods and services (manufacturer, model, color, dimensions, the scope of work, quantity, etc)
  • Date goods or services are needed
  • The estimated cost of goods and services
  • Attach vendor quotes where applicable
  • Estimated shipping charges and delivery specifications or    instructions
  • Attach all necessary and pertinent documents
  • A written justification (where applicable) for the purchase may be requested from the originating department
  • Signature of the department signatory

NOTE: Departments should be aware that in addition to the above requirements, additional documentation may be requested (See Purchase Dollar Threshold Requirements) based on the dollar amount of the purchase requisition and in order to execute the PURCHASE ORDER or Contract.

Split Requisitions

Departments should plan their expenses and consolidate their purchases when ordering the same or similar goods from the same vendor. The splitting of requisitions for the same or similar goods is not allowed and is considered split ordering.  Combining of such requests will not only result in the requisitioner and purchasing team utilizing their time more efficiently but may be more economical and could result in higher volume discounts.

Purchase Order

The PURCHASE ORDER is an official document generated by the Purchasing Department and submitted to vendors for delivery of goods and services. Required and appropriate information such as vendor name, address, the total amount of purchase, and Federal Tax ID is incorporated into the purchase order after the Purchasing Department has conducted appropriate procurement procedures.  The Purchasing Director will review, approve and sign all purchase orders.  The purchase order represents a guarantee of payments for goods or services received and completed.  Vendors are prohibited from delivering goods and services without an approved and signed purchase order from the Purchasing Department.