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College Learning Assessment

Fact Sheet For Students

Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Fact Sheet For Students

What is the CLA?

The CLA is a national program that evaluates the effectiveness of a college’s curriculum and teaching by carefully assessing the critical thinking, analytical reasoning, writing, and problem-solving abilities of its students. Basically, your performance on the two-hour assessment will help York answer an important question: Are we—the faculty and administrators—doing “good enough” in comparison to similar colleges and universities across the US?

Why do schools use the CLA?

Schools participate in the CLA to estimate how, and by how much, they contribute to their students’ development of higher-order skills. Collecting this information is one step in the process of improving teaching and learning.

Why is your participation important to York?

Not only does your participation in the CLA help to demonstrate York’s contribution to your learning, but by attempting to do your best on the CLA, you also are helping York grow and improve the education that it offers to you and your peers.

What’s in it for me?

In addition to the unique distinction of being one of the York's 200, you will earn a Collegiate Learning Assessment Certificate and a gift card in the amount of $50 following your successful completion of the CLA.

How do I register for the CLA at York and when will it be given?

To register for the CLA at York, call 718-262-2010 or send an email to The CLA will be given on the following days and times