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My Journey from York to Harvard
Roksana Azad completed her Bachelor of Science with academic honors in Chemistry and Biochemistry from York College in 2016 under the guidance of Dr. Ruel Desamero.
Chemistry 111 Workshop
The Collaborative Learning Center (CLC) is facilitating a Chemistry workshop.
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science Celebration
Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Business Open House
The Department of Chemistry would like to invite you to the “Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Science and Business” Open House
A Physicist's Journey from Academia to a National Lab
Dr. Kevin Lynch will discuss one scientists journey from his undergraduate physics major, through twenty years in academia, and his mid-career shift to the National Laboratory system. Along the way, he'll talk about experimental high energy physics, opportunities for physics majors inside and outside research science, and various opportunities available to college age scientists that will enhance their career prospects.
Natural Sciences/MARC Research Seminar Series - Dr. Moise Ndao: NYU
Statherin, hydroxyapatite inhibitor?
Natural Sciences Research Seminar Series
Dr. Shengkun Zhang - Department of Physics - NYC College of Technology (CUNY) (Zn)CdSe Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots for Intersubband Infrared Device Applications
Natural Sciences Research Seminar Series - Dr. Hakeem Lawal: UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
Using Drosophila melanogaster to Test Gene-environment Interactions Relevant to Parkinson's Disease
Pre-Med/Dental General Info Meeting
Dr. Criss, York's pre-medical and health career advisor, will be hosting a general information meeting for students interested in a career in the health professions. ALSO: PRE-MED CLUB FORMING. DETAILS WILL BE DISCUSSED AT MEETING.
Pre-Med General Information Meeting
York College's Pre-Medical Advisor, Dr. Andrew Criss, will be holding a general information meeting for all students interested in a career in medicine or related healthcare fields (dentistry, optometry, osteopathy, etc). Topics discussed will range from pre-requisite coursework and MCAT preparation to application process and interview skills. All students are welcome to attend!
Pre-Med General Information Meeting
All Are Welcome! Join Dr. Criss, York’s Pre-Med Advisor, For An Informative Discussion About What It Takes To Get Into Medical (Dental, Osteopathic, Podiatric, Optometry, Etc) School.
Pre-Med Meeting
Informational meeting for all students interested in pre-medical/dental or healthcare careers.
Pre-Med Meeting
Planning to apply to Med School? DO NOT miss this meeting!
Pre-Med Meeting: Ross University School of Medicine
Representative from Ross University School of Medicine will be speaking about this unique opportunity for interested pre-med students.
Pre-Medical Meeting
Osteopathic Medicine A representative from NY College of Osteopathic Medicine will be at York to answer your questions about this alternative to allopathic medical education.
ACS 66th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
The New York Chemistry Students' Association Student Affiliate Committee – New York Section American Chemical Society
Chem 330 -Structure and Mechanism in Biochemistry - Offered Spring 2013
An introduction to the chemical principles that provide the foundation of our understanding of protein structure and enzyme function. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of basic organic structural concepts to the determination of protein conformation and of standard organic reaction theory to the explanation of the step-by-step mechanisms by which enzymes perform their functions.
Department of Chemistry Open House
Department of Chemistry Open House 2011
An information session about majoring in Chemistry or Pharmaceutical Science. Internship, Research and Career Opportunities in this field will be discussed.
Graduate Programs in Science at the CUNY Graduate Center
Now accepting applications with a deadline of Jan 1st, 2016.
Job Opening: Assistant/Associate Professor - Department of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry at York College of The City University of New York (CUNY) invites applications for a tenure track position in Pharmaceutical Science at the rank of assistant or associate professor. Apply online. Deadline to apply is February 12, 2016.
Make-Up Exams
The Chemistry Make-up Exams scheduled for this Wednesday (1/12) has been postponed for the same time next week (1/19) due to the anticipated inclement weather.
Career Talks from Alumni
Jinnette Tolentino-Collado and Ismaeel Alladin will talk about their York College journey and the career paths they have chosen.
Enhancing Undergraduate Cybersecurity Education and Exploring Cannabis Impact on Aging
This Faculty Lecture Series featuring two cutting-edge presentations by Dr. Srivatanakul and Dr. Zhou
Master's Thesis Defense
The Department of Chemistry invites you to the thesis defense of the first cohort of students in the Master's of Pharmaceutical Science and Business.