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Diversity and Compliance

Reasonable Accommodations, Religious Accommodations, and Academic Adjustments

York College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations, religious accommodations, and academic adjustments to allow qualified individuals the opportunity to participate in programs, activities and employment. This commitment extends to campus visitors.

In order to ensure that requests for reasonable accommodations, religious accommodations, and academic adjustments are reviewed and addressed thoroughly and in a timely manner, individuals who require such accommodations are encouraged to follow the procedures set forth below:

CUNY Policy on Reasonable Accommodations and Academic Adjustments

CUNY’s Policy on Religious Accommodations


Students requesting accommodations or adjustments are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities in the Academic Core Building, 1G02 or call x2191.


Employees or Prospective employees requesting accommodations or adjustments are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources in the Academic Core Building, 2H01 or call x2135.

Campus Visitors

Campus Visitors requesting accommodations or adjustments are encouraged to contact the Office of Diversity and Compliance in the Academic Core Building, 2H04 or call x5304.