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Carta-Gerardino, Edoardo

Carta-Gerardino, Edoardo

Assistant Professor

Mathematics and Computer Science

Phone: 718-262-2098
Office Location: AC-2D04

Weighted automata are powerful finite-state machines in which the transitions have weights associated to them. Dr. Carta studies weighted automata and their connection to formal languages.

Recurrence equations define sequences using recursion. Dr Carta's current research deals with recursively defined sequences of elements from a semiring, and their connection to weighted automata.

Pushdown automata (PDAs) are computational models, particularly useful in compiler design and linguistics. Dr. Carta studies PDAs, viewed as weighted automata, and context-free languages, viewed as algebraic objects.

Office Hours

For CS 457: Mon Wed 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For everything else: By Appointment


PhD Cornell University Mathematics 2008 
MS Cornell University Mathematics 2007 
BS University of Puerto Rico Mathematics 2001 

Areas of Expertise

  • Weighted Automata and Formal Languages
  • Recurrence Equations with Coefficients in a Semiring
  • Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Languages

Publications in Field Of Expertise
