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Department of Nursing

Faculty Accomplishments

Articles written by nursing faculty members.

Margarett Alexandre

  • Co-author: Alexandre, M. and Wright, R. (2013) " Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement." accepted for publication International Journal of Nursing Care.
  • Co-presenter: Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement: 3-15-13 SUNY Farmingdale
  • Accepted as co-presenter: Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement. Rome Italy, June 2013.
  • Accepted as presenter at the Sigma Theta Tau conference April 5, 2013 "Transforming patient care: It's up to you: be a game changer; Adelphi University.
  • Co-presented "Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement: at YC CETL event fall 2012.
  • Co-presented Nursing program Assessment poster at YC Assessment Day fall 2012.

Nadine Donahue

  • Glodstein, S., Donahue ,N.(2011) " Addressing the needs of the Multidimensional Learner." Journal of Minority Nurse. Fall 2011: 46-47.
  • 2011 CUNY Nursing Education Consortium in Technology Scholar

Renee Wright

  • Co-author: Alexandre, M and Wright, R 92013) " Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement." accepted for publication International Journal of Nursing Care.
  • Co-author: "Enhance Learning in a Virtual Professional Environment: Affordances and Constraints of Using 3D Teaching Vignettes for Case Studies." submitted for publication spring 2013
  • Co-presenter: Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement: 3-15-13 SUNY Farmingdale
  • Accepted as co-presenter: Flipping the Classroom for Student Engagement. Rome Italy, June 2013
  • Co-presented Nursing program Assessment poster at YC Assessment Day fall 2012.
  • Co-presenter CUNY IT conference November 2012: Developing 3D Simulations for Health Education