Commencement 2021
March 23, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
It has been one year since we have changed how we learn, teach, work, and live. We all have done an excellent job in our personal, educational and professional lives to minimize the coronavirus's spread, but there is still work to be done. As we know, large public gatherings still pose a threat to our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. We at York understand the disappointment this has caused many who have worked so hard. I recognize the impact of these sad circumstances on our students who have demonstrated endurance and resilience to overcome many obstacles to get to this milestone.
We stand tall with you, proud and joyful. In celebration of your achievement, we are planning a virtual commencement ceremony for Friday, May 28th at 12 pm. Although virtual, we will celebrate in a way that embodies the effort and sacrifices made to reach the significant milestone that commencement represents.
Details to follow
Berenecea Johnson-Eanes, President