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York Awarded $3 million for STEM Summer Program

JFK Redevelopment Partners Awards $3 Million in Support of York College’s STEM & Aviation Education for Community Youth

On Tuesday, October 15 the JFK Redevelopment Partners, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo, announced four community initiatives as part of a commitment to provide opportunities to the Southeast Queens community as JFK International Airport undergoes a multi-billion dollar redevelopment.

Chief among them was the commitment to allocate $3 million to transform York’s 20 year-old MUREP (Minority University Research and Education Program), formerly known as SEMAA, which introduces STEM education to students in grades 1 through 12. With this funding, the program will transition from a one-week half-day summer program to a four-week full-day program, now to include aviation education.

Please read the governor’s full statement for more information, which includes a quote from York’s Interim President, Dr. Berenecea J. Eanes.