Hassan, Alireja
Senior College Laboratory Technician
Phone: 718-262-2663
Office Location: AC-3E02
Email: ahassan@york.cuny.edu
In July of 2000, I was hired at York as a substitute line lab tech. In January of 2001 I was hired as a full-time College lab tech. While at York I have had the chance to train many lab techs and Federal Work-Study students who have since then moved on to work in other fields of Science. I obtained my tenure position at York in 2006 and became a senior lab technician in 2008. I became part of the search committee in 2015 where I assisted in the review of applications and the interview of applicants. Over the years, I also handled and continue to handle the budget management and cunyfirst orders for our chemistry labs here on campus. Part of these duties here at York also revolve around keeping safe and lawful conditions of our chemistry labs. Chemical inventory, ordering of gas tanks and cylinders, labeling, discarding, maintenance of the NMR machine, maintenance of the liquid nitrogen plant and chemical segregations.
Office Hours
Day | Time |
Degree | Institution | Field | Dates |
BS | York College | Chemistry | 2001 |
BS | Sirajgonj College/Rajshahi University | Commerce | 1990 |
Areas of Expertise
- During my years at York College my areas of expertise were in: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis.