Section Environmental Health and Safety Header

Environmental Health and Safety

Waste and Recycling

Universal Waste, Electronic Waste and Recycling Procedures and Forms

Used Fluorescent Lamps Disposal Procedure

Used Fluorescent Lamps Disposal Procedure for the B&G Maintenance group 1. Remove used lamps and replace with new ones. Used lamps should be placed into an accumulation drum. This drum must be kept closed at all times except when adding used lamps. 2. Before placing the used lamps inside the accumulation drum, label

Equipment Transfer-Salvage Form

York College Equipment Transfer / Salvage Form

Equipment Transfer-Salvage Form Instruction

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety has developed procedures to comply with the hazardous waste regulations of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as it pertains to disposal of used computers and electronic equipment. Most discarded electronics would qualify as a RCRA regulated hazardous waste. However, these same electronics would be exempt from RCRA hazardous waste regulations if they are properly managed for recycling purpose or disposed of as scrap metal where appropriate. When computers or electronic equipment are to be recycled via the scrap metal exemption, the Office of Environmental Health

York College Electronic Equipment Management Procedure

Electronic Equipment Management Procedure Flyer.

York College Recycling Procedures

Every building in New York City is required by law to recycle its waste. The Green Initiatives Committee has developed the “York College Recycling Procedures” in order to assist in the process. 1. Paper and Cardboard Recycling A few types of paper shouldn’t be recycled: tissues, paper napkins; heavily soiled paper; coated food containers; paper plates or cups; and hardcover books. • Small cardboard containers for paper recycling will be placed in every office, classroom and hallway. • Please place your filled cardboard container outside the office. Custodial workers will pick up the paper at scheduled times. • Royal Recycling will collect this paper once a week.