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Wit - Friday night performance
Presented by the Departments of Nursing & Performing and Fine Arts
Student Virtual Piano Recital
Department of Performing & Fine Arts - Music 141& 241with Professor Mark Adams will feature their first-ever piano recital in the virtual space.
YC Theatre presents GOOD GRIEF - a York Scholar/Alumni Production
An original online play written and directed by KeShaun Luckie
The cast members in this scene is Alex Constantinides, and Delrena Barnaby
The Ellington Tribute
The York College Gospel Chorus celebrates the life and legacy of Duke Ellington and honors the Black American Heritage Foundation.
Professor Larry Tung's latest Films to Screen at Film Festivals
Two news films by Larry Tung, assistant professor in the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, are making the rounds in film festivals around the world.
Final Performances (spanish) of "La Luz De Un Cigarrillo" by Marco Antonio Rodriguez
Debido a la como secuela del paso del huracán Sandy, nuestras presentaciones del jueves 1 de noviembre de "La Luz De Un Cigarrillo" (en Inglés a las 12pm y en español a las 7pm) ha sido cancelada. Hemos reprogramado las dos últimas presentaciones de la siguiente manera: Nov.6 a las 12pm (en Inglés) y nuestra última presentación tendrá lugar el 8 de noviembre a las 12pm (en Español). Todos los boletos comprados para la presentacion del martes 30 de Octubre pueden ser usados para la presentacion de el jueves Nov 6 a las 12pm.
Final Performances (english) of "La Luz De Un Cigarrillo" by Marco Antonio Rodriguez
Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, our Thursday, Nov. 1 performances of “La Luz De Un Cigarrillo” (at 12noon in English and at 7pm in Spanish) have been canceled. We have rescheduled our final two performances as follows: Nov. 06 at 12noon (in English) and our final performance will be held on Nov. 08 at 12noon (in Spanish). All Tuesday, Oct. 30th tickets which have already been purchased will be honored at the 12noon performance on Nov. 06.
Pulling Back The Veil Exhibition reception
The Dept. of Performing and Fine Arts in Collaboration with the Dept. of Biology Opens its Photography Exhibition, "Pulling Back The Veil: The Art Of Microscopy"
The Business of Music - Special Guest Lecturer, Robert Celestin
The York College Dept. of Performing and Fine Arts, in association with NAFME presents, "The Business of Music" with special guest lecturer, Robert Celestin.
The Revolution
By Randy Houston & Noella Mubiala
We Forward In This Generation
By Ashlee Alexander
Remembering Ella
A Centennial Celebration of the First Lady of Song
Music Program Senior Recital: Daijha Rabalais
The Department of Performing and Fine Arts present a senior recital by Daijha Rabalais.