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Garcia Marin, Virginia

Garcia Marin, Virginia

Assistant Professor


Phone: 718-262-3822
Office Location: AC-4E07

The overall goal of my research is to understand the brain organization in the primary sensory areas, particularly the primary visual cortex of human and non-human primates. I study the distribution of the neurons and their connections, the synapses, to get accurate estimation of the number and morphological characteristic of both brain components. Accurate estimations of neurons and synapses are crucial to build realistic computer models of the brain. I use different neuroanatomical techniques, including confocal microscopy and electron microscopy in 3D.

Office Hours

Fridays10 am-1 pm


MS New York University Clinical Research 2019 
PhD Complutense University of Madrid Neuroscience 2006 
BS Complutense University of Madrid Biology 2000 

Areas of Expertise

  • Neuroscience, neuroanatomy, history of neuroscience and clinical research

Publications in Field Of Expertise
