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Lipkind, Dina

Lipkind, Dina

Assistant Professor


Phone: 718-262-2709
Office Location: AC-4E03D

Many of the tasks in our daily lives, from spoken language to using utensils, involve complex behaviors learned during infancy. I am interested in the developmental learning of complex skills in animals and humans. As an animal model system I use the zebra finch, a songbird species capable of vocal imitation. I study how juvenile males learn the courtship song of their father, using experimental and computational approaches to manipulate and analyze the birds’ vocal development. The insights and computational tools obtained from studying songbirds are applied to the analysis of vocal development data of human infants.

Office Hours

Monday1:00pm - 2:40pm
Friday3:00pm - 3:50pm


PhD Tel Aviv University Zoology 2007 
MS Tel Aviv University Zoology 2000 
BS Tel Aviv University Life Sciences 1995 

Areas of Expertise

  • Animal behavior, vocal learning, neuroethology

Publications in Field Of Expertise
